2013年10月27日 星期日

Something relating to Windows CE/ Mobile

.NET Compact Framework

Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 是 Windows Mobile 和 Windows Embedded CE 裝置上不可或缺的元件,它可讓您建置和執行 Managed 應用程式以及使用 Web 服務。.NET Compact Framework 包含經最佳化的 Common Language Runtime (CLR) 和 .NET Framework 類別庫 (Class Library) 子集,後者支援如 Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 和 Windows Form 等功能。此外,其中也包含專為 .NET Compact Framework 設計的類別。

.NET Compact Framework 可支援 Visual Basic 和 Visual C# 開發。目前它並不支援 C++ 開發。

.NET Compact Framework 繼承 Common Language Runtime 的完整 .NET Framework 架構,可用於執行 Managed 程式碼,還提供與 Windows CE 作業系統裝置的互通性 (Interoperability),使您可以存取原生 (Native) 的函式,並將您最喜歡的原生元件整合到應用程式中。

下列圖例摘要說明 .NET Compact Framework 平台架構。

.NET Compact Framework 架構圖形

.NETCF and Window Phone 7

Windows Phone 7 Series Application development platform is based on Microsoft Silverlight and XNA Framework – that are underneath powered by .NET Compact Framework (.NETCF). .NETCF provides the managed runtime environment for both Silverlight and XNA applications targeting Windows Phone 7.

Windows Mobile 5.0 - Emulators: copying files and ActiveSync

Shared Folder

The emulators allow you create a shared folder - a folder on your desktop PC, that appears as a Storage Card on the emulated device. Open up the Emulator's properties from "File / Configure.." and then select a Shared Folder from the textbox.


Now this is really cool. The new emulators can actually connect to the copy of ActiveSync running on your desktop, and they behave like a real, physical device. This means you can select Explore, and wander through their file system copying and pasting files. This is by far the simplest way to copy your support files to your emulator. You can even copy CAB files, and test your new installers (something I'll cover in another blog entry very soon).

To get ActiveSync working, first configure ActiveSync itself (you'll need the very latest version), by opening "Connection Settings", and changing the pull-down under "Allow connections to one of the following" to "DMA". DMA is "Direct Memory Access", and allows the emulator to create a direct connection with ActiveSync without any extra wires.

Next, from within Visual Studio, open the Tools menu and select "Device Emulator Manger". From within this dialog, find the current emulator you are using, right click, and select "Cradle".

Then on the emulated device itself, open the ActiveSync tool, and select "Connect via DMA..." from the menu option.

And that's it! You should see ActiveSync starting as if the emulator was a real device. Now if you click Explore on the ActiveSync dialog, you can drill down to whatever location you need to copy and paste files.

Step by Step: Using Microsoft Device Emulator In-Depth in Your Application Development Experienc

Getting Started with Building Windows Mobile Solutions with Visual Studio and Windows Mobile 6 SDK

Windows 7 - Using the Windows Mobile Emulator

